Being Informed is Not the Same as Wanting to Battle: Navigating Family Law Options

Family law litigation can be an emotionally charged and challenging experience. The
stakes are high, involving deeply personal matters such as child custody, child support, spousal support, and division of property. In such situations, being informed about your rights, the legal process, and potential outcomes is crucial; however, being informed is not the same as wanting to battle. Understanding this distinction can help you navigate
family law matters more effectively and with greater peace of mind.

Even if you are wanting to navigate your family legal matters on your own, we
encourage you to at least have a consultation with a lawyer. This does not mean you have to retain them beyond that consultation. Please remember that family law is very fact specific and varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Other people’s experiences may not translate to what you will experience, and your rights and responsibilities under the law can vary widely depending on your personal circumstances. Use public forums, social media, and online searches with caution. These are not substitutes for professional legal guidance. Many law firms will provide an initial consultation at a reduced rate, which could be valuable to you in navigating the process.

Knowledge is Power

In the realm of family law, knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and advocate for your best interests. It allows you to understand the legal procedures, the options available to you, and the potential consequences of different actions. This knowledge is a tool for self-advocacy, which may allow you to be more efficient in negotiations, have more realistic expectations, and provide for a more amicable resolution.

When you arm yourself with information, you can engage in the process with confidence and clarity. You are better equipped to communicate effectively, understand legal jargon, and reduce anxiety to help you focus on achieving a fair and reasonable resolution.

Fostering a Collaborative Mindset

Whether acting for yourself or hiring a lawyer to assist you, approaching family law litigation with a battle mindset can escalate conflict and prolong the process. Instead, where possible, strive for a collaborative approach. Mediation and negotiation can often yield more satisfactory outcomes than contentious courtroom battles. By being informed, you can enter these discussions with a clear understanding of your goals and priorities, making it easier to find common ground and reach agreements.

A collaborative mindset involves active listening, empathy, and a willingness to
compromise. It requires recognizing that the other party also has legitimate concerns and needs. By focusing on shared interests rather than entrenched positions, you can work towards solutions that benefit everyone involved, especially if children are part of the equation.

Protecting Your Well-Being

Family law litigation is not just a legal process; it is also a deeply personal journey. Protecting your emotional and mental well-being is essential. Being informed helps you set realistic expectations and avoid unnecessary surprises. It allows you to prepare for
the emotional ups and downs that are inevitable in such cases.

Seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can provide an additional layer of
strength. They can offer perspective, help you process your emotions, and remind you that seeking information and understanding is a sign of strength, not aggression.

The lawyers at Mountain Vista Law are ready to help.  Please feel free to contact us if you are looking to schedule an initial consultation.


Naomi has recently completed her studies at McGill University’s distinctive transsystemic and bilingual law school in Montreal. Naomi, being a francophone, recognizes the significance of having the choice to access legal services in the French language.

Naomi was raised in Nice, France, where she enjoyed observing the annual Tour de France cyclists from the windows of her childhood residence. She feels right at home in Cochrane, surrounded by the mountains.



With dual nationality, Jennifer hailed from Scotland and landed in the wild west of Cochrane, in 2011.

Originally a Head-Hunter for Legal500 law firms, Jennifer found her niche in the Family & Divorce sector and has been practicing as Paralegal in this area for over 10 years.

When not whizzing around the office at warp speed, Jennifer can be found somewhere between the bench press and dumbbells, or at home practicing her songs for karaoke night.


Allison Satchwell

Allison graduated with a Bachelor in Justice Studies degree from Royal Roads
University in Victoria, British Columbia, prior to obtaining her Juris Doctor degree
from the University of Alberta in 2019.

Allison has a client-focused approach to ensure personalized service tailored to
each client and their unique family law issues.

Allison’s family law practice focuses on property division and support related issues. Allison believes that clients (and their family) are best served when they are in control of the outcome and actively involved in resolving their disputes in a practical and collaborative manner. When possible, Allison believes that negotiated settlements allow for creative solutions that address each client’s concerns in an
effective and efficient manner. Allison also offers cohabitation and pre-nuptial agreement services as these agreements allow clients to plan for the future and avoid unnecessary disputes.

Allison was born and raised on her family’s ranch in a small rural community north
of Cochrane, Alberta. Allison was actively involved in her local 4-H Beef Club
growing up; and to this present day is an active member of the Canadian
Simmental Association, participating in her family’s pure-bred cattle operation.
Allison’s agricultural background provides her with a strong understanding of the
additional considerations that must be accounted for during a separation or
divorce involving a family farm operation.

In Allison’s spare time she enjoys spending time at the family farm, hiking, traveling,
reading, or hanging out with her husband and two chihuahuas.



Jessica has been a resident of Cochrane since 2005 and after a brief time away from 2010-2013, she returned to Cochrane to lay down roots.

She graduated in 2015 with a Legal Assistant diploma and started working in Personal Injury. After some time away for maternity leave, she discovered a new passion for Family Law and all it entails.


Kari has been a resident of Cochrane for over 35 years. After spending time raising a family, she graduated in the spring of 2022 with a Legal Assistant Diploma.

Kari has a background in insurance, customer service, and the beauty industry and enjoys assisting clients. She is enthusiastic about providing customer service and support to both her co-workers and clients and hopes to help make a difference in the lives of those she assists.



Jackie graduated in 2010 with a Legal Assistant diploma.  Family law is a perfect fit due to her natural affinity for helping people, particularly those who are going through difficult life events.  She is happy to be raising her family in the warm, close knit community of Cochrane.


Courtney settled in Cochrane in 2016, right after getting married.  She acquired her Legal Assistant diploma in 2019 because a career in the legal field is something she has always been passionate about. She fell in love with family law during her practicum and feels blessed to start her career in such a warm and family-oriented community.


Kendra has been a resident of Cochrane since 2001.  After attending local schools and growing alongside the town, it was an easy decision to lay her own roots and raise her family here.

In 2015 she attained her Legal Assistant diploma and immediately started a career in family law.  She has a natural affinity for helping others and, as such, finds an immense amount of satisfaction in the work she does.

Amanda Tuff-Overes


Amanda joined us as a Student-at-Law after completing her Juris Doctor at the University of Alberta in the spring of 2021. An active advocate for access to justice throughout her studies, Amanda acted as the Coordinator for the University of Alberta chapter of Pro Bono Students Canada, volunteered with the Queen’s Bench Amicus project and Student Legal Services Family project, and sat as Co-Chair of the Mental Health and Wellness Committee for the Faculty of Law.

With a background in business, life coaching, emergency medicine, and early childhood education, Amanda brings a down-to-earth, experience-based approach to helping individuals navigate the complexities of human interactions and relationships during periods of transition. She strives to find creative, forward-facing solutions that work for her clients no matter what the circumstances.

Trauma-informed, LGBTQ2IA+ and lifestyle friendly, Amanda has a particular passion for helping polyamorous and non-traditional families navigate the unique challenges these relationships face within the Canadian family law system.